A view of the earth from space A view of the earth from space

Creating a brighter future. For everyone.

Legacy isn’t just a goal. It’s a responsibility. At BecomingX, we believe in taking bold, meaningful action to create a better, more sustainable world.

Sustainability Report

Our founding mission is to create a world where everyone can realise their potential. A goal that transcends the standard set of corporate financial metrics and means we must be high performers in every aspect of our operations. Our annual sustainability report shows our progress, our key achievements, and our plans for the future. This is a long journey up a very steep metaphorical mountain. Right now, we are only at the beginning. But we are moving forward, and we’re incredibly proud of the progress we have made so far.

BecomingX Sustainability report front cover with 2023 numbers in bold orange and red to highlight the reporting year.
B Corporation logo

B Corporation

We know that to achieve our goal, and to change the narrative of ‘success’, we need to be different. We have to be an organisation with conscience. With humanity. With purpose. We want to help everyone, not just those that can afford it, which requires a different way of thinking. We needed to be truly sustainable and self-reliant, never leaving something so important down to charitable donations or the whims of sponsors. We’re proud to call ourselves a B Corporation – a company certified to meet the highest standards of social and environmental impact. We are the highest scoring education B Corporation in the UK and the third highest in the world.


We have a small environmental impact. But it matters. As do our actions. We have a number of environmental initiatives in place, including a commitment to being 100% 'Carbon positive' - removing twice the amount of carbon from the atmosphere than we emit ourselves through our operations. We minimise travel. We print using recycled content where possible. We incentivise every employee to buy renewable energy at home. It's small in the grand scheme, but as we have learned from our research, it's the cumulative impact of many small things that results in truly world-class performance. We want to be part of the solution and we hope our example will encourage other organisations to join us.

Aerial image of a city with trees and skyscrapers